Welcome to Vortex Art Creator

About my site, it is the personal portfolio website of Nicholas Morone. Here you can see my latest characters, creations, and animation idea’s. I also have include cool characters, creatures, weapons, and backgrounds as well.

The logo above is hopefully the title of my first animated TV series idea called The Green Dragon.

The series is the adventures of Drake Powers, a 14 year old teenager who lives in the sci-fi and neo-retro city of Thunderbolt Bay. Born into a family of superheroes, but left behind because they have lost there way.

Our hero is found and chosen to be the next dragon champion by The Ryu Clan, An ancient clan of ninja warriors who know ancient techniques that started the legend of the ninja. when Drake rescued Master Long who was wounded and floating in a river. After Drake saved Master Long and help him recover, as gratitude Master long gave him a special and ancient artifact called The Dragon Medallion. Now with a chance to be vindicated the past wrongs, he must use his new powers to battle a monster of his clan creation, The Dark Claw and other evils that are lurking in the city. His ultimate goal is to remind his new clan who they are, heroes for good.

This story will remind us that we all have hidden talent inside us. Though the Green Dragons special saying “are you a hidden dragon”.

For more information about Drake Powers and concept art please contact me for this and other media, and click the contract link above.

To learn more Bio me please click about page